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子部世界中的欧阳修——古代经典作家知识结构的一个案例分析发布时间:2021-03-03  点击数:
作 者:何宗美
摘 要:

目录学史所形成的经、史、子、集四部,不仅是古代图书的一种分类,更是一种知识结构,这种结构一经形成便造就了可供古代作家思想、学术、文学生长发展的知识场域和知识路径。作为宋代著名的文学大家欧阳修,在知识表征上,他同样栖身于四部,并非只以 集部的文集传世。四部皆能见到欧阳修其人其著,四部的共同场域产生相互映衬的传播影响 力。存于子部的欧阳修著作是相对弱的一支,但从著述史、目录学史以及生活史、文化史角度 加以审视,其意义仍不可低估。如他的《洛阳牡丹记》引发了一类著述的兴起,产生了目录体 系的新类别,修正了目录学史。他被收入子部的生活类著述,极大地促进了生活、闲情与文学 的一体化。将子部作为一种方法,不仅能使我们重估欧阳修,而且也能加深对古代其他经典 作家以及文学史、接受史的领会。


Ouyang Xiu in the World of the Zi Division

A Case Study of the Knowledge Structure of Ancient Classic Writers

He Zongmei (Southwest University)


Abstract  The four divisions of Jing, Shi, Zi and Ji formed in the history of bibliography are not only a classification of ancient Chinese books, but also a kind of knowledge structure. The formation of this structure has created a knowledge field and a knowledge path for the growth and development of thoughts, academics, and literature of ancient writers. As a famous literary master in Song dynasty, Ouyang Xiu and his works have also been included in the four divisions with regard to knowledge representation. He and his works are not just in the collections of Ji, but can also be found in all four divisions. The common field of the four divisions has produced a mutual communication influence. Ouyang Xiu’s works in the Zi division are relatively weak, but their significance cannot be underestimated from the perspectives of writing history, bibliographic history, life history and cultural history. For example, his Luo Yang Peony triggered the rise of a type of writing, produced a new category of the catalog system, and revised the history of bibliography. His writings on life included in the division of Zi have greatly promoted the integration of life, leisure and literature. Using the division of Zi as a method will enable us to re-evaluate Ouyang Xiu and deepen our understanding of other ancient classic writers as well as the history of literature and reception.

Key words Ouyang Xiu; zi division as a method; bibliography; cultural history


    作者简介   何宗美,文学博士,西南大学文学院教授、博士生导师;重庆 400715
