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论西方学术方法对中国文学批评史学科创立的影响发布时间:2020-11-06  点击数:
作 者:朱志荣
摘 要:

现代中国文学批评史学科是在西学东渐的背景下, 在以科学方法整理国故的社会思潮中, 为适应中国现代大学课程设置和教材编撰的需要而创立的。西方文学观念和文学批评观念的引入,是中国文学批评史学科创立的基础。日本汉学界在 20 世纪初中国文学批评史研究方面是我们借鉴西方学术方法的楷模,为我们提供了宝贵的经验和教训。陈中凡、郭绍虞、罗根泽、方孝岳、朱东润等借鉴西方学术方法,明确了文学批评的范围、内容和建构批评史写作的体例,更加重视小说和戏曲评点的价值,开创了中国文学批评史学科。当然在学习西方学术方法、中西相互参证的同时,也要看到中国传统的文学观和文学批评观的特征和独特的价值,避免削足适履的弊端。


A Study of Western Academic Methods’ Influence on the Subject Establishment of the History of Chinese Literary Criticism

Zhu Zhirong (East China Normal University)

Abstract The subject of the history of modern Chinese literary criticism was established in the context of the Western learning spreads to the East, in the social ideological trend of using scientific methods to sort out national heritage, and in the needs of curriculum provision and textbook compilation in modern Chinese universities. The introduction of Western “literary” concepts and “literary criticism” is the foundation of the subject establishment of the history of Chinese literary criticism. In regard to the study of the history of Chinese literary criticism in the early twentieth century, Japan is a model for us for its learning from the Western academic methods which provides us with valuable experience and lessons. Chinese scholars, such as Chen Zhongfan, Guo Shaoyu, Luo Genze, Fang Xiaoyue, Zhu Dongrun and others, have initially established the subject of history of Chinese literary criticism through drawing lessons from Western academic methods to define the extent and content of literary criticism, the way of constructing the history of criticism writing, and empathized the value of novels and opera criticism. While learning Western academic methods and using mutual reference between Chinese and Western scholarship, we should also pay attention to the characteristics and unique values of traditional Chinese literature and literary criticism, so as to avoid the disadvantages of cutting one’s feet to fit one’s shoes.

Key words western learning spreads to the east; literary criticism; mutual reference between Chinese and western scholarship; western literary criticism


■收稿日期 2020-05-06

■作者简介 朱志荣,文学博士,华东师范大学中文系教授、博士生导师;上海 200241
