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西方福利国家的双重化改革及其衍生后果发布时间:2019-12-27  点击数:
作 者:冉昊
摘 要:

20 世纪 80 年代以来,西方福利国家的贫富差距始终在扩大,却又保持在合理范围内,不致使社会发生动荡。其原因在于:福利国家的市场化或私有化改革,绝大部分发   生在生产系统领域,并随之出现了贫富差距的不断扩大;在分配系统领域,政府的二次分配力度始终在加强,由此为平民提供了基本社会兜底和保障,从而使福利国家的贫富差距始终保持在可控区间,不至引起社会动荡。基于生产系统和分配系统的福利国家双重化改革衍生   的后果,主要包括民主福利陷阱、阶级冲突螺旋上升、民粹主义思潮复燃和未来的公私混合改革趋势。



The Dual Reform and Its Consequences in Western Welfare States

Ran Hao (Party School of the Central Committee of the C.P.C)


Abstract  The rich-poor gap in Western welfare states has been widening since the 1980s, yet it remains within reasonable limits without causing upheavals or crises. Different from traditional views, this paper argues that most of the marketization or privatization reforms in western countries take place in the production field, leading to a gradual widening between the rich and the poor; yet the redistribution in the distribution domain has been enhanced by the government to offer a basic social protection for ordinary people so that the inequality between the rich and the poor remains controllable without upheavals or crises. The consequences of welfare state reforms in the production and distribution domains, however, include the democratic welfare trap, the spiral increase of class conflicts, the revival of populism as well as the trend of “public-private” mixed reforms.

Key words         Western welfare state reforms; rich-poor disparity; production regime; distribution regime


     作者简介    昊,政治学博士,中共中央党校科学社会主义教研部副教授,北京大学国家治理研究院兼职副研究员;北京 100091
