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从清华简《诗》类文献看先秦楚地《诗》教特征发布时间:2018-08-28  点击数:
作 者:禄书果
摘 要:

清华简中的《诗》类文献是战国时期楚地用于王室贵族教育的《诗》选本,与儒家编订的《诗》选本存在共同文献来源,经过楚国史官和乐官的重新整理编订,杂入了具有楚地巫祀文化特征的《祝辞》等咒语诗。《诗》教是战国楚地贵族教育的核心内容,楚地《诗》教侧重以《诗》儆戒”“以《诗》明德”“以《诗》达情的功能,在于以诗义培养德行,以诗乐陶冶情操。楚地《诗》教发轫于西周时期的礼乐之教,成型于春秋时期的六经之教, 在战国时期接受儒学影响,转型为德政之教。战国时期列国注重事功的政治导向对《诗》教产生消极影响,清华简反映出战国后期楚地《诗》教地位的下降。


Discussion on Characteristics of Education by The Book of Songs in the Region of Chu in the Pre-Qin Period from Literatures of The Book of Songs in Tsinghua Bamboo Slips

Lu Shuguo (Zhengzhou University)

Abstract  The literatures of The Book of Songs in Tsinghua bamboo slips was used as the textbook anthology to educate nobility of loyal families in the region of Chu in the Warring States Period, having the same literature source as that of The Book of Songs anthology compiled by confucianists. It was included into incantation poems including ZhuCi etc.which is characterized by witch sacrificial culture through rearrangement and compiling by official historians or musical officials. The education by The Book of Songs was the core content of nobility education in the region of Chu in the Warring States Period. The education of The Book of Songs  focused on the functions of “  The Book of Songs  was  used for warning”, “ The Book of Songs  was used for making clear morality”, and “The Book of Songs was used for conveying emotion”,  with the education aim at cultivating moral integrity by “the righteousness of  The Book of Songs ”, and cultivating taste by “the music of  The Book of Songs ”.  The education of  The Book of Songs in Chu was developed in the education of rites and music in the the Western Zhou Dynasty, and matured in the education of LiuJing in the Spring and Autumn Period, and then converted into education of moral politic under the influence of Confucianism in the Warring States Period. While the education of The Book of Songs was passively influenced by the politic orientation of affairs and contribution in various countries in the Warring States Period, and Tsinghua bamboo slips reflect the status declination of education of The Book of Songs in the region of Chu in the late Warring States Period.

Key words      Tsinghua Bamboo Slips ; Rui Liangfu Bi ; education by The Book of Songs ; Confucius Commentaries on the Book of Songs
