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伊壁鸠鲁与近代宗教批判关系疏证 ——一种施特劳斯主义视角发布时间:2017-09-06  点击数:
作 者:高山奎
关键词: 伊壁鸠鲁; 阿威罗伊; 马基雅维利; 霍布斯; 施特劳斯; 斯宾诺莎; 宗教批判
摘 要:


 On the Relationship between Thought of Epicurus and Modern Religious Criticism:
From Leo Strauss’ View
GAO Shankui (Shanghai Nomal University)
Abstract:Modern religious criticism mainly includes three traditional resources:Epicurus tradition focusing on ataraxia,Averroes tradition resorting to argumentation and Machiavelli tradition appealing to Virtue.Epicurus thinks that god is the source of the fear of disturbing peace.Averroes thinks that religion is a tool for political rule and a spirit opium.But Machiavelli tries to advocate a virtue of enterprising opposed to Christian quietism.In comparison,Epicurus tradition has most deepst affection on criticism of the modern enlightenment than the other two.However,we must notice that modern philosophers also revised motivation,resources and conclusion of Epicurus thought.It is distinctly reflected in Biblical criticism of Uriel Da Costa,Issac de la Peyrère,Thomas Hobbes and Benedict de Spinoza.Therefore,it is of significance to study on the thought of Epicurus religion critique and modern revision to the thought of Epicurus for understanding the cause and development of modem enlightenment religious criticism.
Key words:Epicurus; Averroes; Machiavelli; Hobbes; Leo Strauss; Spinoza; religious criticism
