在VUCA 特征日益明显的市场环境下,如何应对各种突发事件冲击,成为中小企业生存和成长的关键。组织韧性是中小企业在面对危机时作出反应、适应和改变的重要能力。具备组织韧性的中小企业才有可能长期生存并不断成长,探索组织韧性如何促进中小企业成长意义重大。基于动态能力理论,通过对206 家中小企业的调查数据进行分析, 探索组织韧性对中小企业成长的影响机制,结果表明:组织韧性对中小企业成长有显著正向影响;双元学习与组织惯例更新在组织韧性与中小企业成长关系中起到中介作用。值得注意的是,双元学习、组织惯例更新在组织韧性与中小企业成长之间具有链式中介作用。
The Influence of Organizational Resilience on the Growth Of SMEs
A Chain Intermediary Effect Based on Ambidextrous Learning and Organizational Routines Updating
Zhang Xiu'e,Yang Liu(Jilin University)
Abstract In the market environment with increasingly obvious characteristics of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), how to deal with the impact of various emergencies has become the key to the survival and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Organizational resilience is an important ability for enterprises to respond, adapt and change in the face of emergencies. Only SMEs with organizational resilience can survive and grow for a long time, so it is of great significance to explore how organizational resilience can promote the growth of SMEs. From the dynamic capabilities perspective, this paper explores the impact mechanism of organizational resilience on the growth of SMEs. Through empirical analysis of the survey data of 206 SMEs, the results show that organizational resilience has a significant positive impact on the growth of SMEs; ambidextrous learning and organizational routines updating play a mediating role in the relationship between organizational resilience and SMEs growth. In particular, ambidextrous learning and organizational routines updating have a chain mediating effect on the relationship between organizational resilience and SME growth.
Key words organizational resilience; ambidextrous learning; organizational routines updating; SMEs growth
■作者简介 张秀娥,吉林大学商学与管理学院教授,吉林 长春 130012; 杨 柳(通讯作者),吉林大学商学与管理学院博士研究生。