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对称与现代政治抒情诗的诗体探索发布时间:2024-03-07  点击数:
作 者:高健
摘 要:

 对称艺术的创造性转化与应用,是现代政治抒情诗在诗体探索与建构方面的 显著特点。从理论角度而言,注重宣传鼓动性、坚持大众化以及倾向于朗诵的传播接受方式,一定程度上决定了现代政治抒情诗与对称间的亲密关联。而在具体的诗体实践中,“辞赋式对称”和“楼梯式对称”的创造性使用,则为现代政治抒情诗或创制或改造出了“新辞赋体”和具有民族化特点的“楼梯体”。从对称视角重新检视现代政治抒情诗的诗体探索路径, 不仅有助于我们修正对现代政治抒情诗的刻板印象,重估其在诗体探索方面的成绩,其中的经验教训也能为中国新诗体的建构提供重要的启示。


Symmetry and Poetic Styles of Modern Political Lyric

Gao JianYangzhou University

Abstract The creative transformation and application of symmetrical art is a significant feature of modern political lyrics in its exploration and construction of poetic styles. From a theoretical point of view, publicity for motivation, and popularization and recitation-based mode of transmission and acceptance determines a certain intimate relationship between modern political lyrics and symmetry. In its specific practice,  the creative use of Ci Fu symmetry and staircase symmetry is the creation or transformation of modern political lyric poetry of modern Ci Fu style and the "staircase style" with national characteristics. A reexamination of the poetic styles of modern political lyrics from a symmetrical perspective, will not only help to clear the stereotype of modern political lyrics and reevaluate its achievements in poetic exploration, but also provide meaningful inspiration for the construction of new Chinese poetry.

Key words symmetry; modern political lyrics; poetic styles; Ci Fu symmetry; staircase symmetry


■作者简介 高 健,扬州大学文学院讲师,江苏 扬州 225000

