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人类文化互动的趋势——基于“文化工具论”的评析发布时间:2024-03-07  点击数:
作 者:韩东屏
摘 要:

 在全球化时代,人类文化即各族群文化的互动演化趋势会怎样?马汉和亨廷 顿认为这是“文化的冲突”,并先后给出了自己的系统论证。但他们说的文化冲突其实既不是文化本身的相互冲突,也不是由于文化的不同引发的冲突,而都是利益之争的冲突。除此外是否还会有可以成立的文化冲突论?根据“文化工具论”的评析也不会。因为文化的冲突只会出现在使用文化工具时仅有的两个特殊情境中,不可能成为具有普遍性的趋势。相反, 文化的融合才是人类文化互动的趋势。因为文化是满足人需求的工具,工具的种类越多越好,于是,很多具有优越性和独特性的文化工具会从一个族群流入其他族群。也许有人担忧人类文化互动的融合趋势会消除族群文化的个性或世界文化的多样性,从而使人类文化不能继续在差异中相互促进。通过文化工具论的评析可知,这同样是完全不必要的担忧。


Trends of Human Cultural Interaction

Analysis Based on "Cultural Tool Theory"

Han DongpingHuazhong University of Science and Technology

Abstract In the era of globalization, what will the interactive evolution trend of human culture or the culture of various ethnic groups be like? Mahan and Huntington argued that it was the "clash of cultures" and successively gave their own systematic arguments. However, the cultural conflict they mentioned is neither the conflict of cultures themselves nor the conflict caused by different cultures; it is rather the conflict of interests. So, is there a tenable culture clash theory? According to the analysis of Cultural Tool Theory, the answer is negative. For the cultural conflict only occurs in two particular situations when cultural tools are used, and it is unlikely to become a universal trend. On the contrary, cultural fusion is the trend of human cultural interaction. Because culture is a tool to satisfy people's needs; the more, the better; and many cultural tools of superiority and uniqueness will flow from one group to another. Some may fear that the converging tendency of human cultural interactions will eliminate the individuality of ethnic cultures or the diversity of world cultures, so that human cultures cannot continue to reinforce each other in their differences. Similarly, the analysis of Cultural Tool Theory finds these concerns completely unnecessary.

Key words ethnic culture; cultural interaction; cultural conflict; cultural fusion; Cultural Tool Theory


■作者简介 韩东屏,华中科技大学哲学学院教授,湖北 武汉 430074
