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重新理解恩格斯的辩证法及其方法论意义发布时间:2024-03-07  点击数:
作 者:薛俊强
摘 要:

 恩格斯提出了哲学现实化的时代任务,开启了哲学通达社会现实的思想道路, 冲破了以黑格尔为代表的思辨唯心主义的思想束缚,破除了其神秘主义的体系外观,批判性地吸收了其哲学中蕴含的改变世界的辩证法精神,将之改造为揭示自然界和人类社会发展规律的辩证唯物主义世界观。唯物辩证法承载了这一新哲学世界观的理论功能与使命。它不是机械形而上学和非批判的实证科学,而是关于现实的人及其发展的历史科学,是马克思主义哲学的理论基石。恩格斯将辩证法、唯物主义与认识论统一起来,扩展了马克思实践唯物主义的理论空间和历史性内涵,开创了具有鲜明实践批判性特质的唯物辩证法,奠定了历史唯物主义的科学基础,是洞察资本主义本质和实现无产阶级解放的理论武器。恩格斯的辩证法立足“自然—生命—劳动—人类”有机整体的大历史观和人类史观,澄清了观念范畴得以生成的感性前提,澄明了社会现实乃是过程的集合体,提高了人们理解事物矛盾运动本质的思维能力,把辩证法作为科学研究的方法论和世界观,在人类认识史和社会科学研究范式方面引发了重要的方法论革命,为马克思主义哲学理论创新与哲学社会科学范式的方法论革新提供了重要思想资源。


Re-understanding Engels' Dialectics and Its Methodological Significance

Xue JunqiangGuangdong University of Foreign Studies

Abstract Engels put forward philosophy of reality, blazing the trail for philosophy to access social reality; he broke the ideological shackles of speculative idealism represented by Hegel by tearing off its veil of mysticism, critically absorbed the world changing dialectical spirit in his philosophy, and transformed it into a dialectical materialist worldview that reveals the laws governing the development of nature and human society. Materialist dialectics carries the theoretical function and mission of this new philosophical worldview. It  is not mechanical metaphysics or non-critical empirical science, but rather a historical science about real people and their development, which is the theoretical cornerstone of Marxist philosophy. By integrating dialectics, materialism and epistemology, Engels expanded the theoretical scope and historical connotation of Marx's practical materialism, creating the materialist dialectics with distinctive practical and critical characteristics and laying the scientific foundation for historical materialism. It also gave an insight into the nature of capitalism and provided the theoretical weapons for achieving proletarian liberation. Engels' dialectics is based on the broader historical perspective of the organic whole of "nature-life-labor-humanity" and the perspective of human history. It not only straightens out the perceptual premise for the generation of conceptual categories, but also clarifies that social reality is a collection of processes. At the same time, it improves people's comprehension of the movements of contradictions in nature. It sparked a significant methodological revolution in the history of human understanding and social science research paradigms, and offered valuable ideological resources for Marxist philosophical and theoretical innovation as well as methodological innovation of philosophical and social science paradigms.

Key words Engels; dialectics; philosophical realism; practical materialism; theoretical paradigm revolution


■作者简介 薛俊强,广东外语外贸大学马克思主义学院教授,广东 广州 510420

