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论习近平国家安全法治理论发布时间:2022-09-02  点击数:
作 者:彭新林
摘 要:

习近平国家安全法治理论是新时代我国国家安全法治建设的根本遵循和行动指南,其核心要义包括以下几个方面:一是坚持以总体国家安全观指导国家安全法治建设, 努力实现国家安全法治化;二是积极健全国家安全法律制度体系,使之更加成熟更加定型, 运用制度威力应对风险挑战的冲击;三是全面推进国家安全法律实施,设立国家安全委员会,依法防范、制止、打击危害国家安全的违法犯罪活动,凝聚维护国家安全的强大合力;四是着力提升国家安全治理能力,把法治应对摆在更加突出位置,强化底线思维,推动国家安全工作创新发展;五是把政治安全放在首要位置,统筹做好重点领域国家安全法治建设。推进新时代国家安全法治建设,要坚持以习近平国家安全法治理论为指导,持续推动国家安全法治理论、制度和实践创新,坚决维护国家主权、安全与发展利益。


On Xi Jinping's Theory of National Security Rule of Law

Peng Xinlin (Beijing Normal University)

Abstract Xi Jinping's theory of national security rule of law is the fundamental compliance and action guide of legal construction of China's national security in the New Era. Its core essential components include the following aspects: First, pursuing a holistic approach to national security to guide the construction of national security rule of law, and striving to achieve the legitimation of national security; second, actively improving the national security legal system to make it more well-developed and finalized, and dealing with risks and challenges with its power; third, promoting the implementation of national security law from all aspects, establishing the National Security Committee, preventing, suppressing and cracking down on illegal and criminal activities endangering national security in accordance with the law, and forming a joint force for safeguarding national security; fourth, focusing on improving national security governance capacity, strengthening the bottom line thinking, and promoting the innovative development of national security work; fifth, prioritizing the national interests and coordinating the construction of national security rule of law in relevant key areas. To promote the construction of national security rule of law, Xi Jinping's theory on national security rule of law must be adhered to, the innovation of the rule of law in national security must be continuously promoted at theoretical, institutional and practical levels, and China's sovereignty, security and development interests must be resolutely safeguarded.

Key words Xi Jinping's thought on rule of law; rule of law for national security; a holistic approach to national security; National Security Law; the modernization of the state governance


  作者简介 彭新林,法学博士,北京师范大学法学院教授、博士生导师;北京 100875
