The Chinese Constitution and the Leadership Of The Communist Party of China
Jiang Guohua (Wuhan University)
Abstract The Chinese Constitution and its established constitutional system are gradually formed and perfected by the Chinese people of all ethnic groups under the leadership of the Communist Party of China through a struggle, exploration, trial and error period. The history proves that the Communist Party of China has taken a leading position in the overall process of the emergence, development, and implementation of the Chinese Constitution and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The leadership of the CPC is the defining feature of Chinese socialism and the greatest strength of this system. In the new era, fully implementing the Party leadership is the fundamental guarantee for comprehensively ensuring law-based governance and building a country of socialist rule of law. To fulfill its major responsibility of governing and rejuvenating the country, the Communist Party of China must govern itself strictly in accordance with rules and govern the country in accordance with the constitution. The Party leads the people to formulate and implement the constitution and laws and therefore must act within the scope of the constitution and laws to truly lead the legislation, ensure law enforcement, and take the lead in observing the law.
Key words Chinese Constitution; the socialist system with Chinese characteristics; the leadership of the Communist Party of China; comprehensively govern the country according to law; Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in New Era
■ 作者简介 江国华,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师,《法学评论》副主编;湖北 武汉 430072。