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个人所得税反避税规则的制度逻辑及其适用发布时间:2021-11-03  点击数:
作 者:侯卓
摘 要:



The System Logic and Application of Anti-avoidance Rules of Personal Income Tax

Hou Zhuo (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)


Abstract Individual tax evasion, with multiple types, is difficult to define. For a long time, it was not regulated by legislation as it is intertwined with corporate tax avoidance, and its boundary with tax saving and tax evasion is blurred. The tax authorities' adjustment of individual tax evasion behavior by using the economic observation method and typed observation method has legitimate defects. The new personal income tax law introduces two special anti-tax avoidance rules and one general anti-tax avoidance rule, but it basically copies the provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law, with limited pertinence. After the introduction of anti-tax avoidance rules, we should properly deal with the division of labor between the new law and the lower norms, as well as the coordination with the Enterprise Income Tax Law and the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection. When making use of anti-avoidance rules, tax authorities need to be modest with self-control, adhere to the subjective and objective unification, and appropriately reinforce the consideration of subjective factors so as to understand and apply the laws accurately and heal the rift between system and practice in terms of four dimensions, namely the standard of tax avoidance, decision procedures, the burden of proof to prove standard, and internal relationship of rules.

Key words   Individual Income Tax Lawanti-tax avoidance rulessubstantive taxationtax statutoryEnterprise Income Tax Lawthe Law on the Administration of Tax Collectionindividual tax evasiontax preferences


  作者简介 侯 卓,法学博士,中南财经政法大学法学院副教授;湖北 武汉 430073
