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复兴公共行政科学:以“统一价值论”为视角发布时间:2021-11-03  点击数:
作 者:汪霞
摘 要:



The Revival of Public Administration Science: From the Perspective of Unified Axiology

Wang XiaHubei University


Abstract The definition and categorization of public administration science depends on the different understandings of the complex concept of science. From the mainstream definition of science and its research standard, public administration science is a science based on the methodology of positivism, exploring the knowledge of causality, generality and law in public administration. This definition of public administration science accords with both the original intention of public administration and the present practical needs in China. Many early scholars, such as Woodrow Wilson, Max Weber, Franklin Willoughby, Lyndall Urwick, and Herbert A. Simo have discussed some commonness and principles of public administration in its history of more than 100 years, which have greatly promoted the development of public administrative science. However, the famous Dahl's three problems, involving how to treat the normative value, the human behavior and the social environment in public administration, have posed great difficulties that cannot be bypassed during the development of public administration science. Using the theory of unified axiology that defines the value from the perspective of physics, Dahl's three problems can be explained effectively, and this theory also plays a positive role in promoting the further development of public administration science, integrating the dispute between normative and empirical research and alleviating the identity crisis of public administration science.

Key words public administration science; identity crisis; Dahl's three problems; unified axiology; discipline


  作者简介 汪  霞,管理学博士,湖北大学公共管理学院副教授、硕士生导师,华中科技大学国家治理研究院、国家治理湖北省协同创新中心研究员,湖北大学县域治理研究院研究员;湖北 武汉 430061
