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足与秦汉礼、法规范的基点发布时间:2021-11-03  点击数:
作 者:王子今
摘 要:



How Body Constitutes Law and Rites in the Qin and Han Dynasties: From the Perspective of the Relationship Between "Foot" and Social Order

Wang ZijinXibei UniversityRenmin University of China

Abstract   Chinese social order  has been built on the integration of law and rites since ancient times.    In the Qin and Han dynasties, even people’ s feet that supports the human body to stand and walk were institutionalized by law and rites. The higher one’ s social status was, the less toil was inflicted on his feet. The higher one had various conveniences to alleviate the hard work of feet.The hierarchical tradition was thus deter mined. Whereas those from lower classes had to walk on their feet. The so-called word "Bu Dan" (burden on feet) refers to the form of transportation that is "burdened on feet" and "burdened on feet" by workers at that time. Moreover, the ruling class resorted to various maiming tortures on feet to severely punish those who dared to challenge social order.

Key words the Qin and Han dynasties; rites; law; tour on horse; tour on feet; burden(Bu Dan); chop  foot; fetters


  作者简介    王子今,西北大学历史学院教授,古文字与中华文明传承发展工程协同攻关创新平台、中国人民大学荣誉一级教授;陕西 西安 710127


