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论中国国家安全法治建设的主要特色发布时间:2021-09-03  点击数:
作 者:周叶中 任澎
摘 要:

国家安全法治建设是坚持走中国特色国家安全道路的重要环节。中国国家安全法治建设最主要的特色有三点:一是把坚持党对国家安全法治工作的绝对领导作为根本保证,具体体现在党领导国家安全工作体制和国家安全立法、执法、司法、法治监督等方面; 二是把坚持以人民安全为宗旨作为价值本位,深入贯彻国家安全一切为了人民、一切依靠人民的理念;三是坚持以总体国家安全观为指导,并将其贯穿中国特色社会主义国家安全法治建设的全过程和各个方面。


On the Main Characteristics of the Construction Of Rule of Law for China's National Security

Zhou YezhongRen Peng (Wuhan University)

Abstract The construction of rule of law for national security is an important link in adhering to the national security road with Chinese characteristics. There are three major characteristics in the construction of rule of law for national security in China. First of all, we will adhere to the party's absolute leadership over rule of law for national security as the fundamental guarantee, which is reflected in the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the national security system and legislation, law enforcement, justice, and supervision of rule of law in national security. Secondly, we will adhere to the people's security as the purpose of value standard, and thoroughly implement the concept that everything of national security is for the people and by the people. The third is to adhere to a holistic view of national security as the guidance, and run through  the whole process and all aspects in the construction of the rule of law for socialist national security with Chinese characteristics.

Key words rule of law for national security; national security road with Chinese characteristics; the leadership of the Communist Party of China; people's security; a holistic view of national security; Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for New Era


■作者简介 周叶中,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师,武汉大学副校长;湖北 武汉 430072;任 澎,武汉大学法学院博士研究生。
