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论人工智能算法的法律属性与治理进路发布时间:2021-09-03  点击数:
作 者:王德夫
摘 要:



On the Legal Attribute and Governance Approach Of Artificial Intelligence Algorithm

Wang Defu  (Wuhan University)

Abstract Artificial intelligence algorithm aims to solve the technical problem of how to achieve intelligence. As a special technical solution, "artificial intelligence algorithm" has not only the relatively traditional intellectual property path, but also the innovative special law governance path. New knowledge and relevant interests are derived in the process of artificial intelligence algorithm design and self-perfection. Specific solutions should be designed to strike a balance between investment interests and social welfare. Based on the framework of "algorithm comprehensible + data credible + parameter interpretable", the comprehensive governance system and basic rules of artificial intelligence algorithm are designed, and the "individual algorithm interpretable" and "platform responsibility" are clarified in order to ensure the coordination and mutual facilitation of technical reasoning and social development.

Key words artificial intelligence technology; algorithm governance; intellectual property; algorith munderstandability; data element market; data security; data credibility


■作者简介 王德夫,法学博士,武汉大学法学院讲师,武汉大学知识产权与竞争法研究所、武汉大学网络治理研究院助理研究员;湖北 武汉 430072
