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《民法典》对产权保护的完善与发展发布时间:2021-05-11  点击数:
作 者:石佳友 高郦梅
关键词:《民法典》;经营性资产产权;民生性资产产权;资源性资产产权;知识产权保 护;数字财产权;公平原则
摘 要:

《民法典》的颁行是落实“健全以公平为原则的产权保护制度”的重大举措。保护产权是全面推进依法治国、实现治理能力与治理体系现代化的必由之路。产权保护的范围不仅包括保护物权、债权、股权也包括知识产权及其他各种无形财产权。《民法典》为产权保护制度的完善作出了贡献一方面改进了产权保护制度的规则对产权确权、产权流转、 产权分配、产权利用、产权救济等方面进行了明确的制度安排另一方面深化了产权保护制度的原则同时丰富了这些原则的涵义。作为产权保护核心原则的公平原则应当包含主体 之间、代与代之间、历史维度和空间维度的公平价值。产权保护制度的发展需要以《民法典》 为中心。从实践逻辑出发健全新时代科学的产权保护制度应当重点关注完善经营性资产 产权保护、民生性资产产权保护、资源性资产产权保护、知识产权保护以及数字财产权保护。



Improvement and Development of the Protection Of Property Rights in The Civil Code

Shi Jiayou,Gao Lime(i Renmin University of China)


Abstract The promulgation of The Civil Code is an important measure to implement the "improve ment of the protection of property rights based on the principle of fairness". Protecting property rights is an in dispensible way to realize the modernization of governance ability and governance system, which includes not only the protection of real rights, obligatory rights, equities, but also the protection of intellectual property rights and other virtual property rights. The Civil Code has contributed to the improvement of the property rights protection system. On the one hand, the rules of the property rights protection system have been im proved, making clear institutional arrangements for property rights conformation, circulation, distribution, uti lization, and relief. On the other hand, the principles of property rights protection systemenriches has been deepened and so as to the meaning of these principles. As the core principle of property rights protection, the principle of fairness should include the fairness of subjects, intergenerational equity, and the fair value of his torical dimension and spatial dimension. The development of property rights protection system needs to be centered on The Civil Code. Starting from the practical logic, we should focus on perfecting the productive as sets rights protection, protection of property rights of people's livelihood, protection of property rights of re source assets, intellectual property protection and digital property rights protection so as to improve the scien tific property rights protection system in the new era.

Key words The Civil Code; productive assets rights; property rights of public livelihood; property rights of natural resources; intellectual property protection; digital property rights; principle of equity


 作者简介 石佳友法学博士中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心研究员、博士生导师中国人民大学法学院教 北京 100872;

