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美国国家战略传播机制的特征及特朗普政府涉华战略传播发布时间:2021-05-11  点击数:
作 者:李格琴
摘 要:

经过历史实践和机制构建美国国家战略传播形成了以下特征用战略传播理念统领各部门信息活动以全政府、全社会模式进行舆论引导和动员用意识形态价值观包裹战略目标制造连环议题进行持续性议程设置。伴随着美国对华战略转型的加速特朗普政府加紧部署涉华战略传播活动锐实力论在全政府、全社会式的传播路径下成功进入美国媒体议程从而影响受众议程借助新冠疫情的全球暴发特朗普政府围绕新冠疫情“中国责任论”组建国际反华联盟推出法律追责、病毒溯源、中美脱钩等连环议题持续恶化中 国的国际舆论环境煽动全球受众对中国的敌意。面对美国的战略传播和舆论施压中国需 要从安全战略的高度做好思想和行动准备。


Characteristics of the American National Strategic Communication Mechanism and the Trump Administration's Strategic Communication on China Issues

Li Geqin (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)


Abstract Through historical practices and mechanism constructions, the characteristics of the American national strategic communication are as follows: using "strategic communication" as the tag of the government's information activities, applying means of whole-of-government and whole-of-society, wrapping strategic aims with ideological values, and setting serial agendas. The Trump administration has been quick to deploy the strategic communication on China issues along with the strategic transformation towards China. "Sharp Power" argument has successfully entered the international news agenda so as to influence the public agenda by means of whole-of-government and whole-of-society. With the help of the global outbreak of CO VID-19, the trump administration has initiated the "China responsibility for COVID-19 epidemic" argument and launched "legal liability", "traceability of COVID-19", and "decoupling from China" agenda so as to deteriorate the international public opinion environment about China and increase global public's hostility to China. In view of this, Chinese government should make full preparations in thinking and action.

Key words American strategic communication; "Sharp Power" argument; COVID-19 epidemic; the Trump administration's deployment of strategies on China issues; Sino-US Relationship; international public opinions


 作者简介 李格琴法学博士中南财经政法大学哲学院副教授湖北 武汉 430073
