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智者光芒 通博气象——冯天瑜的文化史研究之旅发布时间:2021-03-03  点击数:
作 者:周积明
摘 要:

在改革开放以来文化史研究的 40 年历程中,冯天瑜是无可争议的前列人物。他于文化史研究的复兴时期,因应社会变革和历史学发展的需要,探索文化史理论和研究方法,为文化史研究在新时期的纵深发展奠定了重要基础;他上承民国时期的文化通史学脉,并拓新思路,将《中华文化史》打造成至今畅销不衰的经典作品;他以持续 40 年的努力,推进文化生成史研究和中国文化近代转型研究,取得令人瞩目的成绩;他东访日本,发掘东亚同文书院中国调查资料,为研究近代日本对中国的观察以及中国近代社会的另一面相提供了极为重要的资料渊薮;他开拓“历史文化语义学”视域,著成《新语探源》和《“封建”考论》, 产生了广泛影响;他以强烈的历史责任感和知识分子的使命感,以义理、考据、词章、经济相与济用的研究方法以及阔大的视野、多元的知识结构与通博的气度,为中国当代文化史研究贡献了一流的文化史论著。


Professor Feng Tianyu’s Research Process of Cultural History

Zhou Jiming (Hubei University)


Abstract Professor Feng Tianyu has been the undisputed forerunner in the 40 years of cultural history research since the reform and opening up in China. He advocates cultural history and has explored cultural his- tory theories and research methods in response to the needs of social changes and historical development during the renaissance of cultural history research, thus providing an important foundation for its in-depth development in New Era. His book History of Chinese Culture inherits academic context about the general cultural history of the Republic of China and further expands cultural history with new ideas and developments, becoming a best-selling classic. His continuous efforts over 40 years have enabled him to promote the research on the history of cultural generation and modern transformation of Chinese culture with remarkable achievements. His visit to Japan has helped him unearth the research documents about China in East Asia Tong Wen Academy, providing extremely important sources for studying the modern Japan’s observation of China as well as another aspect of modern Chinese society. He has opened up the horizon of “Historical and Cultural Semantics” and written the books Exploring the Origin of New Language and Textual Discussion on “ Feudalism ”, which have exerted a great influence. With a strong sense of historical responsibility and intellectual mission, Prof. Feng has used his diverse knowledge structure and broad-mindedness to write many first-class cultural history works as a contribution to the history of contemporary Chinese culture by employing the research methods based on the integration of meaning, textual research, verses and the idea of governing and benefiting the people.

Key words Feng Tianyu; history of culture; transformation of modern culture; cultural transformation; historical cultural semantics


    作者简介   周积明,湖北大学历史文化学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430060
