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人工智能时代个性化定价算法的反垄断法规制发布时间:2020-12-30  点击数:
作 者:周围
关键词:个性化定价算法;价格歧视;大数据杀熟;人工智能;《反垄断法》;数据画像;个 人信息保护
摘 要:



Antitrust Regulations on Personalized Pricing Algorithm

Zhou Wei (Wuhan University)


Abstract The accurate assessment and prediction of consumers willingness to pay by personalized pricing algorithms can produce a series of positive effects such as strengthening competition and expanding output in a specific market environment, but it may also produce monopolistic behaviors that cause competition distortions such as using the big-data analysis to the disadvantage of existing customers. The regulation of personalized pricing algorithms should be combined with traditional price discrimination theories and be analyzed from the aspects of discrimination objects, discrimination behaviors, and implementation effects. Different types of personalized pricing algorithms should be treated separately. The implementation effect of individual pricing needs to be evaluated from the field of occurrence, judgment criteria, and degree of proof. Although limited by objective technical development bottlenecks such as algorithm computing power and algorithm function design, the systemic risks brought about by personalized pricing algorithms have not really emerged yet, but the exploitation of personalized pricing algorithms on consumers is potential and credible. In view of this, Chinas anti-monopoly law practice also needs to explore a reasonable framework for regulating personalized pricing algorithms from the perspective of law application.

Key words personalized pricing algorithm; price discrimination; discrimination based on big-data analysis; artificial intelligence; Chinese Anti-monopoly Law; data profiling; personal information protection


■作者简介 围,法学博士,武汉大学法学院、网络治理研究院副教授;湖北武汉 430072

