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中国文论的经学范式发布时间:2020-11-06  点击数:
作 者:李建中
摘 要:

事物的起源决定事物的性质,中国文论在其滥觞处与经学同体同构,经学范式建构起中国文论的信仰、观念、谱系、路径、规则、方法和范例。中国文论的经学范式,借用《文心雕龙》的关键词来表述,其要旨有四:一是“道沿圣以垂文,圣因文而明道”的话语行为,二是“弥纶群言,笼圈条贯”的阐释路径,三是“若征圣立言,则文其庶矣”的基本规则,四是唯文章之用,实经典枝条的核心理念。诠解并通变中国文论的经学范式,不仅可以重塑三千年中国文学批评史的灵魂与体貌,亦能重建 21 世纪中国文论的知识图谱与话语体系,从而有效回应世界的中国China of the world)视域中的文艺理论的中国问题


The Classical Paradigm of Chinese Literary Theory

Li Jianzhong (Wuhan University)

Abstract The origin of things determines the nature of things. Chinese literary theory has the same structure as the classics in its origin. The paradigm of Confucian classics constructs the genealogical rule of belief and idea in Chinese literary theory. The classical paradigm of Chinese literary theory, expressed by the key words of Wen Xin Diao Long, has four main points: one is the discourse act of “Ancient sages wrote according to the basic spirit of the Tao of Nature, which was expounded through the writings of ancient sages”; the second is the interpretation path of resolving all ideas and abstracting in order; the third is the basic rule of “if you write according to the standard of the sage’s thought, you can write almost as well”; the forth is the core idea of “the function of an article is to supplement the study of classics”. To interpret and change the classical paradigm of Chinese literary theory cannot only reconstruct the soul and physical appearance of the three thousand years history of Chinese literary criticism, but also reconstruct the knowledge map and discourse system of Chinese literary theory in the 21st century, so as to effectively respond to the “Chinese problem of literary theory” from the perspective of “China of the world”.

Key words   paradigm; classical studies; Chinese literary theory; Wen Xin Diao Long(文心雕龙)


■收稿日期 2020-02-16

■作者简介 李建中,文学博士,武汉大学文学院教授、博士生导师;湖北武汉 430072

