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论张世英的“境界”说——以境界能否言说为视角发布时间:2020-11-06  点击数:
作 者:王博 吴根友
摘 要:



On Zhang Shiying’s Theory of Mental Realm

Based on the Problem Whether Mental Realm Can Be Expressed by Language

Wang Bo (Renmin University of China) Wu Genyou (Wuhan University)

Abstract In Zhang Shiying’s theory of Mental Realm on the basis of life structure of Being-in-the-world, language and speech are never absent. Mental Realm of nature, science and moral can be expressed by nonpoetic language, while Mental Realm of aesthetics can only be presented by poetic language. Bottomless and infinite Mental Realm can be converted into speakable object via poetic language. “Horizontal transcendence” is the mental course, by which humans step into unspeakable Mental Realm from the speakable ones. Poetic language is able to present the Mental Realm, thanks to “All Things’ Compatibility”, and “All Things as One Body”, which functions as the supreme Mental Realm and ontological base. By means of phenomenology of spirit, Zhang Shiying builds his unique theory of Mental Realm which is different from Wang Guowei and Feng Youlan’s theories.

Key words Zhang Shiying; mental realm; poetic language; all things’ compatibility; all things’ as one body


■收稿日期 2020-03-13

■作者简介 王 博,哲学博士,中国人民大学哲学院博士后;北京,100872;吴根友,哲学博士,武汉大学哲学学院教授、博士生导师;湖北,武汉,430072
