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检察机关对监察机关移送起诉案件的合法性审查 ——《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》解读发布时间:2020-09-01  点击数:
作 者:朱福惠
摘 要:



The Legality Review of the Cases Transferred from Prosecution by the Supervisory Organ

Interpretation of The Criminal Procedure Rules of the People's Procuratorate

Zhu Fuhui (Xiamen University)


Abstract The Criminal Procedure Rules of the People's Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as The Criminal Procedure Rules) is the judicial interpretation issued by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate in order to implement The Criminal Procedure Law and The Organization Law of The People's Procuratorate. It summarizes the practical experience of the connection between the supervisory investigation and the examination and prosecution of the procuratorial organ. It specifies in detail the requirements for the procuratorial organ to examine the legality of the cases transferred by the supervisory organ, so as to implement the provisions of The Constitution and The Supervision Law on mutual cooperation and mutual restriction between the supervisory organ and the procuratorial organ. It stipulates the examination of the legality of the cases by the procuratorial organ from three aspects: the exclusion of illegal evidence, the authenticity of evidence and case facts, and the integrity of case materials. Its basic goal is to promote the criminal transformation of the investigation of duty crimes by the supervisory organ, so as to realize the consistency of the intrinsic value of the supervisory investigation and criminal procedure. The legality review of the procuratorial organ is a functional act in the stage of the examination and prosecution of the criminal procedure. Its essence is the external restriction of the procuratorial organ to the supervisory organ in the process of duty crime investigation, and does not belong to the scope of legal supervision of procuratorial organ. So it is only applicable to the legality of the evidence and materials transferred by the supervisory organ for prosecution, which does not involve the legality judgment of case filing and investigation by supervisory organ. If the procuratorial organ believes that there is illegal evidence or doubts about the authenticity of the evidence after examination, the procuratorial organ can only return the case for supplementary investigation or require the supervisory organ to present supplementary evidence and to fulfil demonstrative obligation, but is not allowed to use legal supervision means such as correcting illegal actions and issuing procuratorial suggestions.

Key words supervisory investigation; legality review; power restriction; limits of review; supervisory Jurisprudence; national supervision system reform


作者简介 朱福惠,法学博士,厦门大学法学院教授、博士生导师;福建 厦门 361005。

