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印刷文化、数字文化、诗学和解释学 ——与希利斯·米勒讨论发布时间:2020-09-01  点击数:
作 者:朱立元
摘 要:

美国文学理论家希利斯·米勒(Hillis Miller)对中国学者朱立元的论文《希利斯·米勒论文学的终结》提出了商榷意见。他反对许多中国学者关于当代文字媒体正在向视觉文化转变的看法,强调那应该是“印刷文化”向“数字文化”的转变。米勒的观点确实超越了中国学者的“视觉文化”论,总体上值得肯定。但是,米勒没有考虑中国的特殊文化语境。从中国的网络文学急速发展现实来看,当前印刷文化与数字文化是比翼双飞、相辅相成,绝非米勒所谓“不可逆”的此消彼长。米勒主张文学批评中的诗学研究与解释学研究互不兼容,必须把怎么说(诗学)和说了什么(解释学)区分开来。米勒的这种“对立论”观点存在片面性。实际上,不管诗学还是解释学,两者都既重视内容又关注形式,它们并非对立的,而是兼容互补的。

Print Culture, Digital Culture, Poetics and Hermeneutics

A Discussion with J. Hillis Miller


Zhu Liyuan (Fudan University)


Abstract This paper is a response to Hillis Miller’s query on the essay “Hillis Miller’s Discussion on the End of Literature” by a Chinese scholar. Miller disputes against a Chinese view that print culture is changing towards visual culture, contending that the shift is from print culture to digital culture. The author of this paper agrees with Miller in general, but argues that the latter overlooks the Chinese context in his views. Although Chinese online literature grows rapidly, print culture does not rival but coexist with digital culture, contrary to Miller’s claim of their irreversible rivalry. On a different matter, the author contends that Miller’s dichotomy of poetics (form) and hermeneutics (content) is one-sided, since the two are compatible and integral, emphasizing both content and form.

Key words Hillis Miller; print culture; digital culture; poetics; hermeneutics; theory of literature and art


作者简介 朱立元,复旦大学中国语言文学系教授;上海 200433。
