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新冠肺炎疫情背景下政府消费券发放规则的法律检视发布时间:2020-09-01  点击数:
作 者:熊伟
摘 要:



Legal Review on Issuing Rules of Consumption Vouchers by China’s Local Governments Against the COVID-19 Pandemic

Xiongwei (Wuhan University)


Abstract In order to tackle depressed consumption and economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many local governments in China raised public funds and issued vouchers to residents, which need to follow the restrictions of fiscal laws in capital budget, treasury management and payment and settlement. For those vouchers aiming at promoting economy, competitive issuing and consumption threshold can be introduced on the basis of efficiency rational, restricted by economic law. For those targeting at weakness recovery, vouchers should be distributed fairly to those most needed since the equality principle of social law should apply. In reality, most vouchers are related to economic stimulus, with very few of them related to poor reliefs, reflecting the real intention of local governments. Since the coupons would intervene market balance, it is necessary to introduce unfair competition review before the decisions are made. As consumption vouchers are not allowed to be withdrawn, changed or transferred, and their periods of validity is rather short, there is no need to worry that their issuing can impact our national monetary system. Multiple laws, including fiscal, economic, social, competitive and financial laws, are applied to provide guidance for the issuing and cashing of governments’ consumption vouchers.

Key words COVID-19 pandemic; pandemic prevention; public voucher; policy orientation; issuing rules; legal review; domain jurisprudence; economic recovery


作者简介    伟,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师,新疆大学法学院院长,中国法学会财税法学研究会常务副会长;湖北 武汉 430072。
