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我国高校监察制度的性质、功能与改革愿景发布时间:2020-06-30  点击数:
作 者:秦前红 石泽华
摘 要:



The Nature, Function and Reform Vision Of University Supervision Systems in China

Qin Qianhong, Shi Zehua (Wuhan University)


Abstract The supervision organization of universities is a functional department of administrative super- vision, which is set up by the university itself and mainly implements internal disciplinary rules. The university supervision organization and the government supervision organization are different organizations with the same essence, thus forming a common governance relationship. In reality, the university supervision system has the functions of realizing administrative self-discipline and maintaining academic self-discipline. The latter does not contradict the function of the academic disciplinary system of universities under the premise of meeting necessary limits. It is necessary to bring universities into the scope of state supervision. As the overlapping scope of the functions of the two kinds of supervision is mainly limited to the level of administrative integrity, the adjustment of this system in the reform of the national supervision system is mainly manifested in the dual tendency of the formulation of rules, the investigation of administrative disciplinary responsibility and the emergence of supervisory staff. In the future, the university supervision system still has practical value. To improve and innovate the former mode of taking internal supervision of universities and discipline inspection of the CPC as the main carriers is a feasible plan for this system to connect with the reform of the national supervision system. First of all, we can carry out the dispatch system of the Supervisory Committee on an exceptional basis. At the same time, we must make clear the premise of the dispatch and the nature of the dispatch authorization, as well as the dispatch departments leadership system, institutional setting and the scope of authority. Secondly, we could straighten out the specific relationship between university supervision organization and national supervision organization through the distinction and connection between the supervision object and the scope of authority. Finally, the two functions of administrative supervision and personnel management must be separated, and the relationship between the supervision organization, personnel department and faculty should be handled with care. In addition to administrative integrity, state supervision should not be directly involved in the internal supervision of universities. However, the Supervisory Committee can further promote the legalization and standardization of the internal supervision of universities by strengthening the supervision of government departments and professional peoples organizations, which have the supervision function for the development of academic majors in universities.

Key words national supervision system reform; university supervision system; academic self-discipline; integrity supervision; supervisory dispatch system; personnel management


■作者简介   秦前红,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072 石泽华,武汉大学法学院博士研究生。


