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行政许可与合同效力——以商品房预售为对象的分析发布时间:2020-06-30  点击数:
作 者:常鹏翱
摘 要:



Administrative License and Validity of Contracts

An Analysis of the Presale of Commodity Houses


Chang Pengao (Peking University)


Abstract Taking the presale of commodity houses as the object of analysis can enable us to tell whether an administrative license affects the validity of a contract. The role of a presale license is to trigger subsequent regulatory mechanisms, such as signing and recording presale contracts online. The license determines whether presale contracts can be properly performed and illegal presales effectively prevented, without denying the validity of the presale contract. It is designed to control the execution of a presale contract instead of regulating its validity. Comprehensive factors, such as conversion of the presale of houses into the sale of completed houses and application of the presale license by the seller, make the presale license unable to affect the validity of presale contracts. Licenses of the same category as presale licenses would not affect the validity of the contract.

Key words presale of commodity houses; administrative license; regulation; validity of the contract; integration of public law and private law; the Civil Code



 作者简介   常鹏翱,法学博士,北京大学法学院教授、博士生导师;北京 100871
