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福利制度模式与公众政府信任的跨国比较发布时间:2020-02-28  点击数:
作 者:李艳霞
摘 要:

福利制度的建立和发展是国家治理的重要内容,是公众与国家紧密关系的集中体现。世界经济合作组织中以理性选择制度主义和社会学制度主义为理论背景的 16 个不同福利制度模式国家的多层线性模型数据显示:在国家层面,社会政策包容度较高的国家,其公众的政府信任水平较高;国家公共福利支出的规模对公众绩效评价与政府信任关系具有正向调节作用;国家共识民主水平对公众意识形态与政府信任关系具有负向调节作用。自由市场—政府干预维度下的福利制度设置增强了绩效评价对政府信任的解释力,公众政府信任的成本—预期假说得到证明;协商共识维度下的福利制度设置减缓了公众意识形态对政府信任的影响,公众政府信任的合法性预期假说也在一定程度上得到证明。


A Comparative Analysis of the Welfare System and Public Trust in Governments

Li Yanxia (Xiamen University)


Abstract A countrys welfare system is an important part of state governance and a manifestation of the close relationship between the public and the state. Based on the theory of rational choice institutionalism and sociological institutionalism, the data from different welfare system of 16 countries are analyzed. Statistical result shows that countries with higher inclusiveness social policy have a higher level of public trust in government at the national level, and the scale of national public welfare expenditure moderates the relationship between public performance evaluation and government trust. Meanwhile, the level of consensus democracy moderates the relationship between public ideology and government trust. The welfare system in the dimension of free market-state intervention enhances the effect of performance evaluation on government trust, which proves the cost-expectation hypothesis of public government trust. The welfare system in the dimension of consensus weakens the influence of public ideology on government trust, which to some extent proves the legitimacy expectationhypothesis on public government trust.

Key words welfare system; public government trust; public welfare; performance evaluation


■作者简介 李艳霞,政治学博士,厦门大学公共事务学院教授、博士生导师;福建 厦门 361005
