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自然状态与人类学——恩格斯对社会形成的理解发布时间:2020-02-28  点击数:
作 者:吕宏山
摘 要:



Natural State and Anthropology

On EngelsUnderstanding of the Formation of Society


Lv Hongshan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)


Abstract The falsified study of the family history in The Origin of the Family, Private Ownership, and the State obscures Engelstheory on the origin of society. In fact, Engels accepted the family-societytheoretical model used by classical anthropologists to illustrate the formation of society, and always linked the issue on the constitution of society with radical capitalist critique. Engels agrees most with Morgan in the debate among classical anthropologists about the construction of pre-social states. As a state of promiscuous inter- course without rules can best demonstrate the non-permanence of capitalist society, the first form of social organization based on sexual relationsthe con sanguine familycould prove the existence of a heterogeneousnon-capitalism society. Therefore, the promiscuous intercourse, a natural statethat has been reprocessed by anthropology and the classics has been constantly used by Engels as a weapon of criticism. Moreover, Engels uses the collective nature of labor in the primitive group to demonstrate the sociality of humans and the inevitability of social formation, and combines group life, sexual community and the transformation from apes to human beings into the prehistory stage of historical materialism. While refuting individualism in the primitive society historiography, he indicates that even the private gender relationship is a part of the economic-social system.

Key words Engels; Morgan; social formation; labor; capitalist criticism; The Origin of the Family, Private Ownership, and the State ; social origin; classical anthropology


■作者简介 吕宏山,哲学博士,华中科技大学马克思主义学院讲师,华中科技大学国家治理研究院研究员;湖北 武汉 430074
