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作为典型合同之服务合同的未来——再论服务合同典型化之必要性和可行性发布时间:2019-12-27  点击数:
作 者:周江洪
摘 要:



The Future of Service Contract as a Typical Contract

A Re-exploration of the Necessity and Feasibility of Service Contract’s Typification


Zhou Jianghong (Zhejiang University)


Abstract Because of the meaning and function of typical contracts, what makes a contract a typical contract depends not only on the importance of the contract in society and economy, but also on its difference from other typical contracts. The current rules of contract law and other typical contracts cannot be effectively applied to service contract, so it is necessary for our civil code to regulate service contract as a typical contract. The development of Chinese theory of civil law, the abundance of judgment practice, precedents of comparative law and development in legislation techniques of contract law make it feasible to design general rules of service contract. As for specific legislation mode, general rules of service contract can be adopted to lead specific service contract. The design of specific rules can center on the legal relation between service provider and service receiver.

Key words         civil code; service contract; necessity; feasibility


     作者简介 周江洪,法学博士,浙江大学光华法学院教授、博士生导师;浙江 杭州310008


