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新时代农民守望相助的存续发布时间:2019-10-30  点击数:
作 者:吴春梅
摘 要:

守望相助是中华民族的传统美德,具有邻里帮扶、利益反馈、熟人规范等传统内涵和契约互助、利益交换、公正法治等现代内涵。新中国成立以来,守望相助遵循人民公社   时期的守望承袭与互助固化、新时期的守望消解与契约建构、新时代的守望悬浮与合作互助的存续逻辑。农民守望相助在向现代转型中遭遇互助精神阶段性缺失的“存续之困”,必须瞄准守望相助的新时代化难题,促进情理与法理的整合,创造“利益关联—情感联结—组织纽带—规则共享”的生成条件,完善“认同—互惠—受罚—存续”的新机制,着力向全覆盖、全领域、全方位意义上的体系化互助转变,确保守望相助在新时代的农村发扬光大。


Development of Reciprocal Help and Neighbourliness in New Era

Wu Chunmei (Huazhong Agricultural University)

Abstract Reciprocal Help and Neighbourliness, a traditional Chinese virtue, has derived both traditional and modern meanings, with the traditional meaning referring to neighborhood help, interest feedback and acquaintance norms, and the modern one referring to contractual mutual help, interest exchange, fairness and rule of law. During the people’s commune period, keeping watch was inherited from the past and mutual help was institutionalized. In the period of reform and opening up, the spirit and practices of keeping watch has gradually vanished and mutual help is built in a contractual way. In New Era, the spirit of keeping out of the virtue is not grounded and mutual help is built in a cooperative way. During the modern transition process, the spirit and practices of reciprocal help and neighbourliness experience the dilemma that the spirit of mutual help is absent periodically. In order to promote the modernization of the meaning of reciprocal help and neighbourliness, and to integrate common sense with law spirit, we should generate conditions including interest correlation-emotional connection-organizational bond-rule sharing, perfect the mechanism with the core meaning of recognition-reciprocity-penalty-survival, and build mutual help system characterized by full coverage, full area, all-round, and ensure the development of the spirit and practices of reciprocal help and neighbourliness in the countryside in New Era.

Key words New Era; peasant; reciprocal help and neighbourliness; cooperative mutual help; interest exchange; mutual benefit; rural revitalization


     作者简介 吴春梅,管理学博士,华中农业大学马克思主义学院学科首席教授、博士生导师,教育部高校思想政治理论课“概论”分教指委委员,教育部高校马克思主义理论类专业教指委委员;湖北 武汉 430070

