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企业管理人员刑事法律风险及防控路径——以 JS 省企业管理人员犯罪大数据统计为样本发布时间:2019-10-30  点击数:
作 者:刘艳红 杨 楠
摘 要:

JS 2013-2017 年五年间企业管理人员犯罪情况的大数据分析表明:企业管理人员犯罪高危态势持续加剧,案件数量与涉案人数居高不下,涉罪人员日益年轻化、高学历化;虽然风险类型繁杂且分布广泛,但防控重点较为突出;司法实践既保持对企业管理人员犯罪惩治的高压态势,又在刑罚适用中贯彻了“宽严相济”的刑事政策。以大数据统计为   指引并结合具体案例可知,JS 省企业管理人员犯罪风险应被锁定在融资、财务管理、人员治理和生产经营四大场域中。只有通过调整刑事政策,强化民事和行政部门法防线并落实内部预警,在司法适用中既关照入罪的形式合法性又重视出罪的实质合理性,在社会治理中,搭建多层次、全方位的联动机制,才能有效地组织对企业管理人员犯罪的反应。


Governance of Criminal Legal Risks of Enterprise Managers

A Sample from the Big Data Statistics of Crimes Committed by Enterprise Managers in JS Province

Liu Yanhong, Yang Nan (Southeast University)

Abstract The current research analyzed the big data concerning the crime situation of enterprise man- agers in JS province from 2013 to 2017 to meet the needs of research into criminal legal risk prevention for enterprise managers. The statistical results show that the crime situation of enterprise management personnel is increasingly severe, with a large number of cases and criminals and younger and well educated perpetrators; although there are many types of risks, the focus of prevention is prominent; the judicial personnel not only severely punish criminal business executives, but also implement the criminal policy of “tempering justice with mercy”. According to the big data statistics and analyses of specific cases, crimes of enterprise managers in JS province are mainly in four areas, including financing, financial affairs, personnel management and produc tion operations. It is proposed that we can effectively prevent enterprise managers from committing crimes by adjusting the criminal policy to prevent crimes in advance, ensuring the legality and the reasonableness of conviction in judicial activities, and achieving synergistic treatment in social governance.

Key words         enterprise managers; crime risks; big data statistics; risk assessment; crime prevention


     作者简介 刘艳红,法学博士,东南大学法学院教授、博士生导师;江苏 南京 211189。杨 楠,东南大学法学院—柏林洪堡大学联合培养博士研究生。
