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大数据时代个人信息权在侦查程序中的导入发布时间:2019-04-28  点击数:
作 者:蒋勇
摘 要:

个人信息权已经成为大数据时代人权的新面相。我国大数据侦查模式发展忽   视了对个人信息的保护,出现了信息收集行为权能性质不明、信息收集门槛过低、信息过度收集等问题,其根本原因在于个人信息权在侦查程序中的缺位。在侦查程序中导入个人信息权,既需要宪法对个人信息保护的确权化,也需要刑事诉讼的立法精细化,同时亦需要司法审查发挥作用。国家在必要时可以设立专门的信息监察机构,以强化对个人信息权的保障。  


The Implantation of Personal Information Right in Investigation Procedure in the Era of Big Data

Jiang Yong (Southwest University of Politics and Law)

Abstract  Personal information right has become a new aspect of human rights in the era of big data. The development of big data investigation mode in China has ignored the protection of personal information, which has caused problems such as the unclear nature of the power to collect information, the improper delegation of power to collect information, and the excessive collection of information. The fundamental cause is the absence of personal information right in the investigation procedure. Implanting personal information right into the investigation procedure requires not only the constitution right to protect personal information, but also the refinement of the legislation of criminal procedure and the participation of judicial review. When necessary, special information supervision organizations should be established to strengthen the protection of personal information right.

Key words      big data; personal information right; constitutional right; criminal investigation procedure; criminal investigation department; exclusion rules of illegal evidence; emerging right


    作者简介 蒋 勇,法学博士,西南政法大学法学院讲师;重庆 401120

