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本土化语境下的“被遗忘权”:个人信息权的程序性建构发布时间:2019-04-28  点击数:
作 者:李立丰
摘 要:



The Right to be Forgotten in the Local Context:

A Procedural Construction of Personal Information Right

Li Lifeng (Jilin University)

Abstract  In the era of big data, personal information has become a valuable commodity because of its special attribute of “can’t be forgotten”, which has triggered a series of legal disputes. Among them, whether the subject of personal information can rely on the so-called “right to be forgotten” against the so-called “right for free expression” of Internet search service providers has become one of the key issues around the world. By combining the experience and facts of foreign legislation and judicial practice, and proceeding from the relevant Chinese legislation and national conditions, we should confirm the value and independent attribute of the right to be forgotten. However, for the rational construction of this new right, based on the pragmatism standpoint, we should abandon the traditional legal understanding of “privacy” or “freedom” and adopt a standpoint of procedural right rather than a substantial right, so as to balance the interests contradiction between the subject of personal information and Internet search service providers, and effectively alleviate the realistic dilemma faced by the subject of personal information in the era of big data.

Key words      big data; personal information; the right to be forgotten; search engine; legal entity; privacy; algorithm; new rights


    作者简介 李立丰,法学博士,吉林大学法学理论研究中心、法学院教授、博士生导师;吉林 长春 130012

