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跨文化视角下在华留学生微信使用行为分析——基于文化适应理论的实证研究发布时间:2019-04-28  点击数:
作 者:匡文波 武晓立
摘 要:



An Analysis of Overseas Students’ Behavior of Using WeChat in China

An Empirical Study from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication


Kuang Wenbo, Wu Xiaoli (Renmin University of China)

Abstract  With the development of globalization of education, intercultural adaptation is the primary problem facing the increasing number of international students studying and living in different countries, mainly including socio-cultural adaptation and psychological adaptation. As the most popular social media in China, WeChat has become an indispensable tool for foreign students to integrate into the Chinese society. The result of empirical research shows that the use of WeChat by foreign students has a positive impact on socio-cultural adaption from the aspects of language, communication and learning adaption. In addition, it also has a positive impact on psychological adaption from the aspects of motivation and expectation, and attitudes from society members. This further highlights the importance of WeChat use for intercultural adaptation of foreign students in China. Therefore, better use of the new media platform can provide effective help for foreign students to adapt to the new culture in China.

Key words      intercultural communication; new media; WeChat; acculturation; foreign students


    作者简介 匡文波,管理学博士,中国人民大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师,中国人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心研究员;北京 100872

