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中国古代书写载体与户籍制度的演变发布时间:2019-04-28  点击数:
作 者:张荣强
摘 要:


关键词    木牍;简册;简纸更替;户籍制度


Evolution of the Writing Carrier and Household Registration System in Ancient China

Zhang Rongqiang (Beijing Normal University)

Abstract  The writing carrier of the household registration in ancient China has undergone two major changes.  The first change was the replacement of wooden slips with bamboo strip manuscripts in the late Warring States period, and the second change was the conversion from bamboo strips to paper in the Wei and Jin dynasties. Both changes, especially the latter, had important influences on the household registration system at that time. During the Qin and Han dynasties, the household registration could only be made in the township, and the copies were then reported to the county because of inconveniences in writing on bamboo strips and difficulties in transportation and storage due to heaviness. After the conversion from bamboo strips to paper, the household registration was moved to the county court for production, and the copies needed to be reported to the commandery and the region, even the central ministry of household registration. Instead of township management of the original copy, the central ministry got the final right to review the household registration.

The conversion of the writing carrier led to the evolution of the ancient household registration system, reflecting the rulers’ efforts to constantly strengthen the centralization of power in response to technological progress.

Key words      wooden slips; bamboo strip manuscripts; conversion from bamboo slips to paper; household registration system


    作者简介     张荣强,历史学博士,北京师范大学历史学院教授、博士生导师;北京,100875
