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构建中国特色的文学史话语体系发布时间:2018-10-26  点击数:
作 者:陈文新
摘 要:

 以西方纯文学观念为标准而建立的中国文学史,致使大量为古人欣赏的佳作被摒除在中国文学研究视野之外。受纯文学理论的干预,中国文学的真面目被掩盖,失去了本有的丰富性。为了构建符合实际的中国文学史,学者们至少在三个方面作了尝试。一是20世纪90年代兴起的编年体文学史,旨在客观地记录文学活动,阻止西方文学观念对中国文学事实的简单阉割。二是学者们对古代小说的辨体研究,试图恢复中国古代各种文体的基本观念,厘定不同文体的边界,在中国传统知识语境下给作家作品一个准确的定位,以清除胡适小说史以西律中的偏激影响。三是注意到科举文体是近千年来影响至广的文体,在唐至清的国家管理中扮演了重要角色,并且担起了文化传承的重任。从大文学视角审视科举文体, 有助于拓展古代散文研究,以期完整地把握古代文学生态。

Constructing the Discursive System of Literary History with Chinese Characteristics

Chen Wenxin (Wuhan University)

AbstractThe Chinese literary historybased on the Western concept of pure literary has led to a great deal of works for the ancients to be excluded from the study of Chinese literature.As a result of pure literary theorythe true face of Chinese literature was concealed and its richness was lost. In order to build a realistic history of Chinese literature, Chinese scholars tried their best in at least three aspects.  The first is chronological literary historywhich was raised in the 1990s and aimed at recording literary activities objectively and preventing the western literary ideas from castrating the facts of Chinese literature coarsly. Secondly, scholars tried to restore the basic concepts of various styles in ancient China, and to determine the boundaries of different styles. In the context of Chinese traditional knowledge, an accurate positioning of a writers or a works is made to remove the extreme influence of Hu Shi’s ideas coming from the west. Thirdly, it is noted that the imperial examination style has influenced the wide range in the last thousand years, and played an important role in the national management from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty, and took up the main task of cultural inheritance. A review of the branch. In order to grasp the ancient literature ecology completely, it is helpful to expand the study of ancient prose from the grand conception of literature.

Key wordsliterary chroniclesresearch of Bian-style with novelsstyles of the imperial examinationdiscursive system of literary history



作者简介 陈文新,哲学博士,武汉大学文学院教授,博士生导师
