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中国检察机关提起行政公益诉讼模式重构论发布时间:2018-08-28  点击数:
作 者:贾永健
摘 要:



Discussion on Reconstruct the China’s Model of the Procuratorate Initiating Administrative Public Interest Litigation

Jia Yongjian (Henan University)

Abstract  The Party has centralized the leadership of the anti-corruption work and pushed the

Modernization of national governance deeply by reforming the national supervision system. Then the procuratorate’s anti-corruption function has been deprived, bringings more challenge to the immature administrative public interest litigation. The reduction of the procuratorate’s function and authority will make it even more difficult for the prosecutors to monitor and investigate illegal administration. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct the model of administrative public interest litigation by coor- dinating with the supervision system. In the near future, the administrative public interest litigation should coordinate with the supervision system and establish a scientific “Investigation—Prosecution— Trail”  model, in which the supervisory will be in charge of investigation, the procuratorate in charge of prosecution, and the court in charge of trail and the three coordinate and restrict each other.

Key words      the administrative public interest litigation; procuratorate; the reform of the nationalsupervision system; the seperation of investigation, prosecutution and trail; anti-corruption and anti- malpractice
