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马克思与我们同在新时代——纪念马克思诞辰 200 周年发布时间:2018-08-28  点击数:
作 者:张亮
摘 要:

 生活在 19 世纪的马克思依旧是我们的同时代人。这是因为,马克思毕生奋斗的社会主义事业在中国得到了忠实的继承和生机勃勃的发展,马克思的理论通过中国特色社会主义实践获得了极大的丰富和发展,马克思主义研究在中国扎下根来,获得了最生机勃勃的开展。纪念马克思,就要深刻领会马克思理论的精髓即科学的方法论,还要把握住马克思在哲学上的革命性飞跃、在政治经济学领域的重大贡献以及他所创建的科学社会主义基本理论。学习、继承马克思的思想,最终目的是要落实到怎么用上来,就是要以马克思为师, 像马克思那样分析问题、解决问题、创新理论。


Karl Marx with Us in the New Era

To Commemorate the 200th Anniversary Birthday of Karl Marx

Zhang    Liang (Nanjing University)

Abstract  Marx, although living in 19th century, is still contemporary with us, particularly be- cause the socialist cause Marx persists for his entire life is faithfully inherited and vigorously devel-oped by China. Marx’s theory is highly enriched and flourished via the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the research of Marx is deeply rooted and becomes exuberant in China. In commemoration of Marx, the marrow of Marx’s theory as scientific methodology, the revolution- ary breakthrough in philosophy, the significant contribution to the field of political economy and the fundamental theory of scientific socialism must be profoundly comprehended. The ultimate goal of learning and inheriting Marx’s thought dwells in the way of analyzing problems, solving problems and innovating theory like Marx.

Key words      Marx; New Era; innovation of theory;scientific socialism; political economy; capitalism
