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习近平新时代党内法规质量思想研究发布时间:2018-08-28  点击数:
作 者:叶正国
摘 要:

 习近平总书记非常重视党内法规制度建设的质量问题,党的十八大以来他从全局和战略的高度在不同时期和不同场合提出了一系列有关党内法规质量的重要论述。他 强调,党内法规制度建设要牢牢抓住质量这个关键,将立得住、行得通、管得了作为目标指引,确立问题导向的路径选择,明确把权力关进制度的笼子的核心要义,坚持于法周延、于事有效的规范逻辑。这为提高党内法规制度质量指明了前进方向,提供了基本遵循。


Xi Jinping Thought on the Inner-party Laws and Regulations Quality for New Era

Ye Zhengguo (Wuhan University)

Abstract  General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the quality of the construc- tion of the inner-party laws and regulations. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, he has made a series of significant speeches on the quality of the inner-party laws and regulations in various periods and occasions from the strategic and overall perspective.  He points out that the construction of inner-party laws and regulations should “hold on to the key of quality”, establish the objective guidance of “reasonable, workable and usable”, build up the “problem orientation” as path selection, grasp the core essence of “putting power into the cage of system” and adhere to the normative logic of “precise in law and effective in practice”, thus providing the right direction and fundamental ground for improving the quality of inner-party laws and regulations.

Key words      Xi Jinping; New Era; party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor; quality of inner-party laws and regulations; governing the party by rules; good law and good governance
