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“三角火灾”与美国社会认同的重构发布时间:2018-07-06  点击数:
作 者:颜昌武
摘 要:

进步时代美国社会治理的最大挑战,是如何使工业资本主义变得人性化,如何在纷争的社会冲突中重建社会认同。1911 年的“三角火灾”被公认为一场兴邦之难,它使社会分化问题凸显为美国社会治理的重要议题,推动了一系列人道主义法律制度的出台,成为 20 世纪上半叶美国政府治理变革的起点。基于转型期“社会认同基础性领域”分析框架可以发现,“三角火灾”之所以能够改变美国,关键在于它推动了这一时期福利渗透、意义系统和社会组织三者间的有机协调,使社会各阶层能够在危机语境下凝聚社会共识,进而在社会转型的关键时期化危为机。

The “Triangle Fire” and Reconstruction of Social Identity in America

Yan Changwu (Jinan University)

Abstract The biggest challenge of America’s social governance in Progressive Era was how to rebuild social identity in social conflicts. The “Triangle Fire” in 1911 was well acknowledged as “The Fire that Changed America”, as it had made social differentiation a highlighted issue in American public life, facilitated the enactment of a series of humanitarian laws and regulations, and was a starting point of the “New Deal”. Based on the analytical framework of “Basic Spheres of Social Identity”, it can be identified the key reasons why “Triangle Fire” was able to “Change America” lies in the fact that it facilitated the organic coordination between welfare influence, a meaning system and social organization in progressive era, allowing different social classes to rebuild social consensus in the context of crisis, and therefore turning crisis into opportunities in the critical time of social transformation.

Key words Progressive Era; social governance; industrial disaster; social identity; triangle fire
