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习近平幸福观对中国古典幸福观的弘扬与超越发布时间:2018-07-06  点击数:
作 者:江畅 潘从义
摘 要:


The Development and Transcendence of Xi Jinping’s View of Happiness on Chinese Classical View of Happiness

Jiang Chang & Pan Congyi ( Hubei University)

Abstract As China entered into the New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Xi Jinping constructed a theoretical and systematic socialist outlook of happiness with Chinese Characteristics according to the needs of the globalization era and the practice of building a modern powerful country on the basis of activating and carrying forward the classical view of happiness, the ancient gene of Chinese culture. The classical conception of happiness which has been formed and popularin China from ancient times to the Spring and Autumn Period is a view of happiness taking “five blessings”as the core content and pursuing the perfection of personal life. While Xi Jinping’s conception of happiness is people-centered, with a view to achieving a better life for the people, the overall development of the individuals, the all-round progress of the society, the overall improvement of the ecology, and the mission of solving the unbalanced development of China in New Era, taking other civilizations as reference focusing on the construction of the Community of Human Destiny around the globe. Xi Jinping’s conception of happiness, which is beyond the classical view of happiness, reflects in its transformation from the individual into the people, the perfection of the personal life into the wonderful life achievement of the people, the emphasis on self-cultivation into the pursuit of development, the world feelings into human feelings, etc. The conception has undergone profound changes and historical leaps in China, and achieved the revolutionary transformation from classical to contemporary, from theory to practice, from ideal to reality.

Key words Xi Jinping’s view of happiness; Chinese classical view of happiness; New Era; good life
