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公海元叙事与公海保护区的构建发布时间:2018-05-06  点击数:
作 者:马得懿
摘 要:

作为海洋治理的有效区划工具之一,公海保护区的理论与实践得到长足的发展。然而,构建公海保护区面临的基本问题在于公海自由与公海保护区构建的冲突与协调以及由此派生出的具体问题,诸如公海保护区构建的合法性问题以及公海保护区的发展趋向。将公海元叙事模式引入公海保护区构建这一领域,为预判公海保护区发展趋向与理解公海保护区的合法性提供了新路径与新视角。公海元叙事以公海自由制度张力而展开,公海自由制度张力具有三层级张力的属性。公海元叙事视阈下审视公海保护区的构建,公海保护区具有新的动向,诸如 “低政治”公约治理公海保护区的勃兴、沿海国管辖权的持续膨胀以及公海保护区在海洋划界中隐含积极价值等。然而,基于国际社会的共同利益的考量,公海保护区的构建应该充分顾及善意原则和“弃权理论”的公平性等原则。沿海国应该积极审视作为公海治理重要工具的公海保护区的构建问题。

On the Meta-narratives on the High Seas and Establishment of MPA on the High Seas

Ma Deyi ( East China University of Political Science and Law)

Abstract As one of the effective zoning tools for marine governance, the practices of the Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas have been developed greatly. However, the problem of Marine Protected Area on the High Seas, namely the conflict and coordination between the freedom of the High Seas and Establishment of Marine Protected Area on the High Seas, is an important issue, which brings about other problems, such as the base of legality and the development trend of the Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas. It provides a new approach for understanding the establishment of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas. Meanwhile, the Meta-narratives on the High Seas draws on the system tension of the freedom of High Seas, with attributes of tertiary level. It is obvious that the “low politics” conventions flourishes , the coastal states jurisdictions expand and positive value in the maritime delimitation plays a role concerning the establishing of the Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas under the Meta-narratives on the High Seas perspective. Also, the enforcement and strengthening of the principle of good faith and properly application of “waiver theory” should be taken into full consideration, as the legality and base of international laws of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas. Coastal states should take an active look at the establishment of Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas as an important tool for ocean governance.
Key words  Meta-narratives on the high seas; MPA on the high seas; principle of good faith; right of visit on the high seas; freedom of high seas; ocean governance
