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中国的治理改革(1978-2018)发布时间:2018-05-06  点击数:
作 者:俞可平
摘 要:

改革开放不仅极大地改变了中国历史的发展进程,也在相当程度上改变了世界历 史的发展进程。究竟是什么造就了中国的现代化奇迹?从中央与地方的关系、国家与社会的关系、政府与市场的关系,以及依法治国、公共服务、公民参与、民主决策、社会治理、政府问责、政治透明、基层自治等角度来看,改革开放后中国的政治生活发生了重大变革。可以说,中国改革开放获得巨大成功的根本原因之一,便是中国成功地进行了以治理改革为主体内容的政治改革。以党的建设、基层民主、协商民主、政治监督、行政改革、公共政策、公共服务和社会治理等重要治理领域的改革为例,我们不仅可以看到改革开放 40 年来中国民主治理的崭新变化以及中国在推进国家治理现代化方面取得的长足进步,而且可以发现,一种中国特色的国家治理模式已经形成。

Governance Reform in China(1978-2018)

Yu Keping (Peking University)


Abstract The policy of reform and opening up has not only brought a remarkable transformation  in the course of China’s own development, but also, to no small extent, has changed the course of world history. But what is it that has created the miracle of China’s modernization? This paper will look at the relationships between central and local, between state and society, and between government and market, and consider the rule of law, public services, civic participation, democratic decision-making, social governance, government accountability, political transparency, and grassroots self-governance. From this perspective, politics in China has, since reform and opening up began, undergone a major transformation. We could argue that one of the fundamental reasons for the phenomenal success of the reform and opening policy is that China has successfully carried out political reforms in terms of national governance. If we take,  for example, important reforms in the field of governance such as Party building, grassroots democracy, consultative democracy, political oversight, administrative reform, public policy, public services, and social governance, not only do we see the new changes in China’s democratic governance brought by 40 years of reform and opening up, and the great strides China has achieved in modernizing the country’s governance; but we find that a kind of governance model with Chinese characteristics has already begun to take shape.

Key words reform and opening up; Chinese development; political reform; national governance
