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论人民美好生活需要之制度供给体系的建构发布时间:2018-03-06  点击数:
作 者:桑玉成
摘 要:


On the Construction of the Institutional Supply System for the People’s Good Life Needs

Sang Yucheng (Fudan University)

Abstract:The contradiction between the people’s growing demand for better life and the imbalanced and insufficient developments is the important political judgment of changes of the principal social contradictions in the new era by the 19th National Congress of CPC. If we say it has made remarkable achievements and successfully satisfied the people’s growing material and cultural life needs taking the economic construction as the center and the development as a hard task, then that should be a more important new task proposed by the 19th National Congress of CPC to be committed to the construction of the institutional supply system, to adapt to changes of the principal social contradictions through effective political construction and political development, and thus to continue to meet people’s growing needs for a better life.

Key words:the 19th National Congress of CPC; the principal social contradictions; the good life; the institutional supply; the political development
