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清代直隶口外地区内务府牧厂的管理发布时间:2017-11-06  点击数:
作 者:陈肖寒
关键词:内务府; 上驷院牧厂; 庆丰司牧厂; 多重政府
摘 要:


 The Management of Imperial Household’s Pasture in Northern Zhili Province in the Qing Dynasty
CHEN Xiaohan (Peking University)
Abstract:The military livestock in the Qing dynasty was attributed to the management of “Bingbu”(兵部) and “Taipusi”(太仆寺).Other imperial livestock were administrated by “Shangsiyuan”(上驷院) and “Qingfengsi”(庆丰司) of imeperial household.The Qing government established several national pastures in Northern Zhili:Shangdu-Dabsun Nuur pasture belongs to “Shangsiyuan”(上驷院); The three upper banners pasture under the jurisdiction of “Qingfengsi”(庆丰司) and Dariganga pasture co-owned by both.The herdsmen were all from Chakhar Banners.They were supported by central grant.The main task of the pastures was to provide livestock for the emperor’s tour and supply the livestock and byproducts for the royal consumption,as well as a small amount of military supplies.The imperial household pastures were a successful practice of establishing multiple governments in the Qing dynasty and managing different ethnic groups effectively.
Key words:imperial household; “Shangsiyuan”(上驷院); “Qingfengsi”(庆丰司); multiple governments


