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从宋词困境看姜夔在词体词风方面的突破发布时间:2017-11-06  点击数:
作 者:钱志熙
关键词: 姜夔; 白石词; 宋词; 燕乐
摘 要:

On JIANG  Kui’s Breakthrough in Terms of Ci Genre and Style as Seen from the Dilemma of Song Ci
QIAN Zhixi (Peking University)
Abstract:From the perspective of the history of ci,JIANG Kui’s ci theory,returning to the ancient and the elegant,was an answer to the long-lasting dilemmas and a breakthrough in the development of Song ci.The first dilemma of Song ci was that it relied on Yanyue(燕尔),which was deeply influenced by Huyue(胡乐) and therefore had been criticized by renowned scholars in Tang and Song dynasties.JIANG’s retrospective music theory and his composing that returned to the ancient and the elegant,was an answer to this dilemma.Writing lyrics according to the melody was doubted by ci theorists including JIANG Kui in the Song dynasty.They thought it violated the principle that poetry expresses the mind and melody depends on the singing.In response to this ci theory,JIANG’s self-created qu and self-composed qu became the most distinctive ones among his ci.Ci came from parties with singers and dancers.Song ci valued female voice more,so it formed a female musical character.Accordingly,ci had the tradition of Wanyue(婉约),writing about love affairs with plenty of descriptions on encounters and dissolute teasing.Some of JIANG’s ci was also like that.But JIANG put his own love experiences in ci,and mingled with impressions of life and society,thus transformed the tradition of Wanyue(婉约),making the real ci of love.Importing poetry into ci was another way to change ci’s flabbiness and depression.JIANG,after SU Shi and ZHOU Bangyan,did this especially in the way of Jiangxi Poetic Laws.Concretely,JIANG took the structure arts and the poetic method Duo Tai Huan Gu(夺胎换骨) from Huang Tingjian’s poems.He blended Shi(《诗》),Sao(《骚》) and poems of Tang and Song dynasties altogether in ci.This was an achievement far beyond the previous.
Key words:JIANG Kui; Baishi ci; Song ci; Yanyue
