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 注意力现象学的基本法则 ——兼论其在注意力政治学—社会学中的可能应用发布时间:2017-09-06  点击数:
作 者:倪梁康
关键词:注意力现象学; E.胡塞尔; P.E.布洛伊勒; 注意力政治学
摘 要:

The Fundamental Laws of Phenomenology of Attention:
Also on Its Possible Application in Politics of Attention and Sociology of Attention
NI Liangkang (Sun Yat-sen University)
Abstract:The concepts of “psychology of attention” and “phenomenology of attention” came into force virtually at the same time.Psychological analysis may be performed as regards attention,so is the case of phenomenological analysis.When phenomenology is understood as descriptive psychology,they are inseparable from each other.The laws determined by them are also fundamentally similar one another.The theories of phenomenology of attention may be applied to both economics of attention on the one hand and politics of attention and sociology of attention on the other.To date,the fundamental laws primarily obtained via studies at the level of phenomenology of attention and psychology of attention are still effective and they constitute the foundation of politics of attention and sociology of attention.
Key words:phenomenology of attention;E.Husserl;P.E.Bleuler;politics of attention
