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后“阿拉伯之春”时代的国家建构路径 ——基于“突尼斯模式”与“也门模式”的比较研究发布时间:2017-07-06  点击数:
作 者:张楚楚
关键词:阿拉伯之春; 国家建构; 也门模式; 突尼斯模式
摘 要:

State-building Paths in the Post-Arab Spring Era:A Comparative Analysis of the “Yemeni Model” and the “Tunisian Model”
ZHANG  Chuchu (University of Cambridge)
Abstract:The article compares the state-building paths of Yemen and Tunisia following the revolution in 2010-2011 by focusing on four variables-concentration of the armed forces,national tax authority,the legitimacy of the power source and external intervention.I contend that centralization of the armed force,strong authority of national tax,legitimate source of power and less external intervention are keys to the success of state-building.Conversely,as the Yemeni case has shown,a lack of these four elements will lead to the failure of state-building.It is worth noting that although Tunisia has acquired achievements in integrating the armed forces and building legitimacy,the government’s tax power remains to be weak and is likely to become even worse as the Tunisian economy has deteriorated due to severe terrorist threat.Hence,the so-called “Tunisian model” is still fragile and crisis-ridden.
Key words:Arab Spring; state-building; Yemeni model; Tunisian model
