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性别不公: 今日中国乡村社会观察的一个新视角发布时间:2017-07-06  点击数:
作 者:李慧英
摘 要:

Social Injustice:A New Perspective to Observe the Present Chinese Rural Society
LI Huiying (Party School of the Central Committee of CPC)
Abstract:The rapidly changing rural society in today’s China has shown the three-dimensional structure of social injustice.Economics as the first dimension is represented as the injustice in allocating rural collective resources and in depriving women and their families of collective property right; culture as the second dimension is originated in patriarchal rules that emphasizes on women’s dependency on men and leads to the exclusion of female farmers’ identities; politics as the third dimension is shown in the formulation of allocation rules,where the representation and participation from both gender is drastically unequal,and it results in gender discrimination.These three dimensions of gender injustice are co-dependent and mutually reinforced and they form a stable triangle structure.When gender injustice structure exists and functions in a stable manner,urbanization not only couldn’t make it disappear,but will strengthen and solidify it,which results in the gender stratification phenomenon in Chinese rural area.
Key words:gender structure; unfair allocation; identity exclusion; political misrepresentation
